Recap: Leveraging TimescaleDB & Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Watch the webinar recording to learn more about storing, querying, and analyzing time-series data.

Last week, we hosted Leveraging TimescaleDB and Azure Database for PostgreSQL for your IoT Workloads with our friends at Microsoft. During the webinar, we discussed what time-series data is, why it’s so important for IoT applications, and how TimescaleDB helps you efficiently and effectively store and query time-series data.

[Watch the webinar recording here.]

Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL is an enterprise-ready managed database service, and since TimescaleDB is powered by PostgreSQL, we wanted to show how you can easily make your Azure Database instance ready for time-series workloads.

Additionally, we demonstrated how you can analyze time-series data with Azure IoT Hub and Azure Functions to power your IoT applications. For more on our partnership with Microsoft Azure read here.

At the end, we got some great questions from viewers. Here is a selection:

What is a hypertable?

A hypertable abstracts away the complexity of managing underlying “chunks” of time data. To you (the user), a hypertable looks, acts and feels like the SQL tables you know-and-love, but the organization of the underlying data is optimized to store and retrieve time series data in a performant way. This gives you all the benefits of working with time series data without special handling. Learn more about hypertables here.

Is the TimescaleDB MTA bus demo available for download?

Yes. As background, during the TimescaleDB demo in the webinar, we saw how buses travel around New York City... and sometimes, they might not be on time. We used TimescaleDB together with PostGIS to perform a geospatial temporal analysis and identify the buses that have strayed from the herd. You can find the source for this demo on GitHub here.

What regions is Azure Database for PostgreSQL available?

Microsoft Azure is available across 50+ regions. You can refer to the Azure website for more information on specific product and region availability here.

When is the TimescaleDB + Azure Database integration available?

It’s available now! We announced the integration just a couple short months ago and have been going strong ever since. The TimescaleDB extension is available here.

How can I get help using TimescaleDB and working with time-series data?

The Timescale team is ready to help. Visit our Get Help page to learn about joining our Slack Community as well as the other Subscription options we have available.

Here are a few resources to learn more about TimescaleDB and Azure Database for PostgreSQL:

We hope you enjoyed learning about all the cool things you can do with TimescaleDB on Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Have questions? Feel free to leave a comment in the section below.